Mission of This Site

When I launched this site in 2017, it was with the idea of addressing the already-common talk of impeaching Donald Trump. Back then, most such talk was merely the wistful fantasy of disappointed Democrats.

However, Mr. Trump’s personality and approach to governance were so far at odds with historical American norms that impeachment remained a staple of political conversation throughout his term in the White House. And as we now know, he would be impeached in fact, not once but twice. This site followed the twists and turns of the two actual impeachments as well as other controversies, such as those involved in the Mueller investigation, that were urged unsuccessfully as grounds for impeachment.

Once the second Trump impeachment trial closed with an acquittal in February 2021, the continued utility of this blog seemed doubtful. And I have let it lie fallow.

However, nearly three years on, as 2023 draws to a close, it appears that the country is — willingly or no — back in the impeachment business. House Republicans have repeatedly threatened to impeach President Joe Biden, as well as various of his cabinet officers. They now and seem set to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Accordingly, I will resume work in this space, offering my own observations as someone who has studied and written about impeachment for over 30 years, and where it seems useful, links to the thoughts of other careful students of the subject.